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September 11, 2001


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This page is dedicated to those who lost their lives on Semptember 11, 2001, and to the families that will miss them



Life was continuing as normal on Monday. On the news, people were arguing over the same old things. But the next Morning disaster struck. On tuesday September 11th, I woke up at about 6:00 PST and turned on the TV. Luckily what a saw was the news channel, my father had left it on that channel since last night. I was shocked and horrified with what'd happened. One WTC builing was reduced to less than a third of its original hieght, and the other was billowing smoke from its upper section. There was a cloud of dust and smoke billowing through the surrounding streets, and you could hear sirens and people screaming in the distance. I quickly awoke my family to alert them to this. About 2 hours later at school, we were listening to the radio, and for once, the class was so silent you could've heard a pin drop. We were all literally shocked, some of us were even afriad or scared, not for our lives, but for the lives of those that surely must be dead. We'd never seen anything like this before. The few teens that tried to turn this whole into a joke by saying, "Oh! Now we gonna go kick some ass!" in a joking voice were silenced and told to shutup by everyone else.

On wednesday, Our country was still discovering the full impact of what had happened, now some real facts were being found. But the were ones that horrified us.

On Thursday, September 13th, 2001, there were reports of hate crimes in many different states. Poeple were murdering innocent people simply because of their ethnicity. They had nothing to do with the Terrorist Osama Bin Laden, but they were murdered anyway. In history class, our teacher gave a speach which made the three hicks in our class that were talking about hating Hindu's and Muslims shutup. Finally. Mr. Schauberger said, "There are Afganistans living in America. But they are Americans! Not Terrorists! In their country, being called a US citizen is a grave insult, you'd probably be killed for saying that. So you have think, if these people would live in America and call themselves Americans, then they must be pretty damn patriotic and as American as you or me to live in the USA."


In the following days, our country finally got off it's knees and took out it's sword and raised it high, screaming, "We will not die, we will not be hurt, we will perservere and exact our revenge. Beware World, we are comming..."

Recently, the attacks on Afganistan began. Bombing raids have commenced and the Taliban is suffering losses. On an Islam holy day, President Bush gave the Taliban one last chance to turn over Bin Laden quickly and Immediatly, they rufused. So now, the bombing has begun once more. I hope we prevail.


there have been reports in Los Angeles, New York, and Maimi of threatening letter containing a white powder, presumably Anthrax to several media news anchors offices. Microsoft has been attacked as well. As of October 8th, 4 people have died from such attack. Those trhat have been infected and are still alive are being treated. The letters came from St. Petersburg Florida. If you get a letter from there, call the police immediatly, DO NOT OPEN IT!!!
This message is to Bin Laden, from me and every other American on the Face of this Earth. You hurt us for no reason. Why, just because we've managed to build a society based on peace? Because we rescued the survivors of the holocauste of WW2 and found them a home? There is no reason to hate us for that. You have killed 5,000 innocents in cold blood, something your religeon cannot justify. You will go to hell when you die, or whatever horrid painful place you believe in. Billions of people will see you die and celebrate, because those who would mourn your death will be dead lifeless bodies left behind in the dust of the Taliban and any other group that would harbor a monster like you. the message I give to you is short. YOU are a traitor to Islam and the Human race, YOU are a monster, and rest be assured, we will find you.  When you are dead the world will know, monsters like YOU, Osama Bin Laden, Adolf Hitler, and Musalini, will not be tolerated. We are america, we cannot be broken, and we will stand together and figtht you.

Anyone who reads this page, remember what has happened. Mourn for those who died. And above all, do everything you can to help your fellow neighbor. We need to stick together and show the world, our country can't be broken apart. God Bless America