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Diseases/ illnesses


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Here are some definitions of diseases. Once again, everything here only applies to Salt water fish. I'll try to get some pictures of the diseases posted later.

A bacterial Blood infection. Causes  red whispy lines and vein lines to appear all over your fish's body.
Fin and Tail Rot-

Fins are torn or frayed at the edges, There may be a whiteish color on them as well.


Eyes may be cloudy, there may appear to be a blister on the eye. Also area around eye may be a bit dark and the eye will protrude a bit.


The fish will hide, will not eat, has a swollen body and may appear sluggish-


Sores, Bleedng, or red streaks on body

Mouth and body fungus-

Greyish white stringy material covering most of the body and mouth; white or grey patches.

Saltwater ICH-

Small white spots on body. Fish may scratch itself against rocks. Cause by a parasitic protozoan.


White specks on body and fins. Will look like a very fine powder spread on fishes body. Similair to Salt water ICH. Very hard to treat.

ICH/Velvet: Treat with copper/hyposalinity method/ ICH medications.
I recommend NO-ICH medication for Ich and Velvet. But for those without the financial resources to purchase this medication. I recommend Hypo-salinity treament. It is where a hospital tank(conataining fish) is lowered in salinity to abotu 1.007-1.008. This is done by doing water changes of freshwater instead of salt over a period of 3-4 days, making sure that hyposalinity is achieved within 4 days maximum. You leave the tank at 1.007-1.008 salinity for a period of 30 days. It is best to keep tank temperature levels at around 78-80 to encourage the ich to reproduce rapidly. The point of doing this is because at the salinity of 1.007-1.008 the protozoan that causes ICH will burst due to osmosis, leaving your fish clean and healthy. Turning the temperature up makes the ICH breed rapidly and thus makes more free-swimming stages of the protozoan(this is when they are succeptable to the effects of hyposalinity.) The average lifecycle of the ICH protozoan is 7 days, the period of 30 days is need to make sure the ich is completely gone (ie 4+ lifecycles). After your fish is clean for 30 days, bring your tank back up to regular salinity over a period of at least 6 days. During this time keep water conditions at the best you can to avoid getting your fish sick again. This treatment is intended for Fish treatment only. Do not use this treament on anything but fish.
Bacterial: For bacterial infections, I recommend concurrent use of the medicines Maracyn and Maracyn 2 in a hospital tank for about a week. This will usually heal all bacterial infections. If infections persist, Bring the tank to hyposalinity levels and continue treatment as needed. This treatment is unsafe for corals and invertibrates.
                                                      Now for the disclaimer :P
 The Saltwater Aquarium Fanpage and it's owners/affiliates are not responsible for any
 fish/other mortalities or failures that the above "mentioned" treatments may cause.