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Equipment for maintaining a successful tank.


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Tank supplies, Medications etc.

Most Marine tanks will have a variety of filtration equipment used on them, here are some basics I recommend.
Protein Skimmer
Removes excess proteins from your tank water, slowing Nitrate buildup. In some cases it will help clear the water as well.
General Filtration Equipment
Any kind of water pump/powerhead that moves your tank water through any kind of filtration media. They help to airate your water and to keep it clean. Every tank needs this, regardless.
Biological Filtration
This is best provided by a wet/dry biowhell. It provides an area for beneficial bacteria to grow, it will ensure a greater eliminization of your tanks Nitrite levels, however it will creat lots of Nitrate.
Carbon filtration
Usuallly added as a filter media. This filtration media absorbs chemicals in your tank and will help keep chemicals that shouldn't be in your tank water, from harming your fish. Be sure to change it often or it will leach it's chemicals back into your tank water. (Change every 2 weeks.)
Filtration Pad
Usually added as a media. This filtration media removes cloudy debris from your tank water and is a basic all around. Every tank needs this, regardless.

In every Marine Tank you are bound to have problems with fish diseases/infections, so it's best to keep a cabinet full of medications should the need arise to treat your fish.
Maracyn/Maracyn 2 Saltwater(Mardel)
This medication is made by Mardel industries and is for use on a variety of Bacteria cause illnesses, including Septicemia, Fin rot, Dropsy, and Pop-eye. It should only be used in hospital tanks/Qurantine tanks as it is not safe with invertibrates or corals of any kind.
This is a reef safe medication that has been proven by myself to be very effective. It can be used in any tank situation but is a bit expensive, the smallest conatiner (32 fl. oz.) at $24.99 locally, but it works very well and did not stress any of my fish/inverts at all. It is effective against Ich primarily but is supposidly effective against Parasites in general.
This is a mixture of formaldyhyde and various other chemicals. It is best used during freshwater dips for ich infested fish. It works by essentially burning parasites off of the fish. My recommendation is to have this and a bucket sitting around for treatment of infested fish.
That's it for medications

Aquarium Foods & Dietary Supplements
This is an ocean shrimp that is a delicacy among predatory fish. It is high in proteins and fatty acids, but low on basic nutritional value. Only use this as a treat.
Same as above, only freeze-dried. I've had less sucess in etting my fish to eat this kind. It is alot dryer and requires soaking time to absorb water before it can be fed to your fish.
This is a particularly smelly frozen food that predatory wrasses love. I've rarely ever convinced another fish to even try this tho. It can be bought in packs or prepared from store bought fresh squid(if cut right).
This is a frozen food that is big with Lionfish and Eels. They are essentially small frozen fish. They are also low in nutrients.
This is a small frozen crustacean. They are very small and I can only see them as being fed to fish fry or to dragonettes.
Brine shrimp(Frozen)
This is a good frozen food tostart your fish off on. Most fish will eat it on first feeding attempt. However this food is purely fish junkfood and will not help your fish to survive. Therefore, use spartingly.
Formula One
A specially formulated Flake food for predatory fish. I highly recommend it.
Formula Two
A specially formulated Flake food for Herbivorous fish. I highly recommend it.
TetraMin Pro
Although this food is not a Marine food, I find most marine fish love the taste of it, especially triggerfish.
Shrimp Pellets (O.S.I.)
This is basically powdered shrimp, set to pellet form. It is a pretty healthy food to feed your fish and it is great for wearing down a predatory fish's teeth. Pretty much only predatory fish will have luck with this food.
This is a food additive, it is essentially all the vitamins and minerals your fish need in a liquid form, you can soak brine shrimp and krill in it to make them more healthy foods for your fish. I highly recommend every aquarist have a bottle of this stuff handy.
That's it for fish foods.